Amy and Pat – Married – Block Island

I love being asked to go out to Block Island to shoot a wedding. Its made even better when that wedding happens to be for a good friend and I will know everyone in the wedding. Amy and Pat had a beautifully perfect day for their wedding at St. Andrews Church. They chose to do a first look on her families property before the ceremony which is always a nice intimate moment between the couple before the non-stop craziness of the day takes over. We then went out to the St. Andrews Parish center which overlooks the ocean for some group shots. The day ended with everyone back at Amy’s families property for an awesome night of dancing! Thanks so much for a great day Amy and Pat! Below are a few of my favorites from the day…

My second shooter was the very talented Brad Smith.

Ryan Designs were responsible for the beautiful setup of the reception.

And my good friend Marc Scortino of Island Wedding Entertainment was the DJ.



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