Fainting Goats and Power Lines – New Hampshire

Im on vacation in New Hampshire for the week and unfortunately there is no snow. However, my girlfriend and I decided to look into alternative forms of entertainment. She found a farm nearby with “fainting goats”. These are goats that stiffen up and collapse to the ground like a cartoon character when they get scared, they’re hilarious. Here’s a video of them fainting.  The woman who runs the farm gave us a tour and they also had the friendliest llama we’ve ever met. We bought some of her all natural homemade goats milk skin lotion.

I asked her about signs that we saw in town and on local properties that read “Stop the Towers!”, she told me that an electric company out of Quebec is lobbying to build huge high wattage towers through New Hampshire down through Massachusetts to Connecticut. The problem being that the towers are not only much larger than the ones already in place but also require huge concrete base supports meaning more land must be cut down to make way for them. The corridor that these power lines would run through is right next to the Fainting Goats farm and would destroy the farm if it came to pass. You can read more about it here.


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