Thao and Josiah – Married – Clouds Hill East Greenwhich

Kris and I started the day with Josiah and Thao at her family’s house where they held a traditional Vietnamese wedding ceremony. The ceremony was very emotional and personal, even more so in my opinion than typical Western ceremonies. Tea was offered to family members and moving speeches were given. After the ceremony was over the day began again with both parties moving on to NYLO to change attire and prepare for the second ceremony at Clouds Hill. This being my second time shooting at Clouds Hill, I was informed that they had only been rained out twice and I was lucky enough to attend both of those events. Regardless of the weather everyone had a great time and we made use of the amazing interior of the house for some formal pictures. The reception was held at Quidnessett Country Club during which the rain finally stopped and we had a brief opportunity to step outside for some extra photos. Thanks so much Thao and Josiah we had a great time at your wedding!


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